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Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Operations Management

Original price was: $24,000.00.Current price is: $14,400.00.

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This area emphasizes global operations management, covering the processes involved in the production and transportation of products, services, and even people. Students learn techniques to reduce costs, maximize profits, and improve customer satisfaction, as these factors are critical to the long-term success and sustainability of any organization. By studying operations management, students gain the knowledge and skills to optimize business operations in a global context.


Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration will be able to:

  • Show knowledge to formulate strategies that promote the strengthening and positioning of the company in a global market.
  • Manage marketing strategies with efficiency and productivity levels, to obtain the best results in the business and promote a successful financial stability for organizations.
  • Successfully manage local and global business operations, with international best practices.
  • Generate innovative processes in the implementation of financial and accounting strategies.
  • Develop skills in effective communication processes, such as coach or organizational mentor.